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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
#2ThumbsUp 2 Thumbs Up 2 Thumbs Up
#Smile Smile Smile
#Wink Wink Wink
#WinkTongue Wink Tongue Wink Tongue
#Cool Cool Cool
#Wow Wow Wow
#Laugh&Cry Laugh & Cry Laugh & Cry
#Laugh&Point Laugh & Point Laugh & Point
#Zipped Zipped Zipped
#Tear Tear Tear
#Sad Sad Sad
#Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm
#Ummm Ummm Ummm
#Shhh Shhh Shhh
#Puke Puke Puke
#Injured Injured Injured
#Pirate Pirate Pirate
#Rasta Rasta Rasta
#Covid Covid Covid
#Yuk Yuk Yuk
#GreenFace Green Face Green Face
#Mad Mad Mad
#Angry Angry Angry
#Sh!t Sh!t Sh!t
#Devil Devil Devil
#PurpleDevil Purple Devil Purple Devil
#Poop Poop Poop
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
@Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark
#X X X
#Sold Sold Sold
#Matched Matched Matched
#Declined Declined Declined
#Promote Promote Promote
#Demote Demote Demote
#Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
#Thumbsdown Thumbsdown Thumbsdown
#Questionmark Questionmark Questionmark
#Medic Medic Medic
#Poll Poll Poll
#Checklist Checklist Checklist
#Rules Rules Rules
#Comments Comments Comments
#News News News
#BreakingNews Breaking News Breaking News
#Fake Fake News Fake News
#DontForget Don't Forget Don't Forget
#Post-it Post-it Post-it
#Urgent Urgent Urgent
#Important Important Important
#Reminder Reminder Reminder
#Remember Remember Remember
#Calendar Calendar Calendar
#SaveTheDate Save the Date Save the Date
#Stop Stop Stop
#Caution Caution Caution
#Warning Warning Warning
#Lightbulb Lightbulb Lightbulb
#Arrow Arrow Arrow
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
#Bills Bills Bills
#Dolphins Dolphins Dolphins
#Patriots Patriots Patriots
#Jets Jets Jets
#Ravens Ravens Ravens
#Bengals Bengals Bengals
#Browns Browns Browns
#Steelers Steelers Steelers
#Texans Texans Texans
#Colts Colts Colts
#Jaguars Jaguars Jaguars
#Titans Titans Titans
#Broncos Broncos Broncos
#Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs
#Raiders Raiders Raiders
#Chargers Chargers Chargers
#Cowboys Cowboys Cowboys
#Giants Giants Giants
#Eagles Eagles Eagles
#Commanders Washington Commanders Washington Commanders
#Bears Bears Bears
#Lions Lions Lions
#Packers Packers Packers
#Vikings Vikings Vikings
#Falcons Falcons Falcons
#Panthers Panthers Panthers
#Saints Saints Saints
#Buccaneers Buccaneers Buccaneers
#Cardinals Cardinals Cardinals
#Rams Rams Rams
#Seahawks Seahawks Seahawks
#49ers 49ers 49ers
#Draft Draft Draft
#TradeAlert Trade Alert Trade Alert
Frenzy-SACD Teams
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
#Frenzy Frenzy Frenzy
#Chickens Chickens Chickens
#Echids Echids Echids
#Freedom Freedom Freedom
#KillerBees Killer Bees Killer Bees
#Opihi Ophi Ophi
#Roosters Roosters Roosters
#Pirates Pirates Pirates
#Preds Predators Predators
#Ramsters Ramsters Ramsters
#Scorpions Scorpions Scorpions
#Swords Swords Swords
#Miners Underminers Underminers
#36Chambers 36 Chambers 36 Chambers
#Cajuns Cajuns Cajuns
#DosClowns Dos Clowns Dos Clowns
#Floyds Floyds Floyds
#Gunslingers Gunslingers Gunslingers
#PeaCocks Pea Cocks Pea Cocks
#Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners
#PencilNeckGeeks Pencil Neck Geeks Pencil Neck Geeks
#RHP Royal Hawaiian Predators Royal Hawaiian Predators
#Tommyknockers Tommyknockers Tommyknockers
#WeinerDogs Weiner Dogs Weiner Dogs
#Zombies Zombies Zombies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:agree: Agree Agree
:blabla: BlaBlaBla BlaBlaBla
:bling: Bling Bling
:bs: BS BS
:dammit: Dammit Dammit
:feedback: Feedback Feedback
:goodpost: GoodPost GoodPost
:growup: Grow Up Grow Up
:att: Give me Attention Give me Attention
:huh: Huh Huh
:idiot: Idiot Idiot
:hitit: I'd Hit It I'd Hit It
:jealous: Jealous Jealous
:new: I'm New Here I'm New Here
:sorry: Sorry Sorry
:stupid: Stupid Stupid
:ripped: I've been Ripped I've been Ripped
:j/k: Just Kidding Just Kidding
:lame: Lame Lame
:liar: Liar Liar
:muhaha: MuHaHa MuHaHa
:nobody: Nobody Cares Nobody Cares
:noob: noob noob
:offtopic: OffTopic OffTopic
:ohshit: Oh Shit Oh Shit
:oops: Oops Oops
:owned: Owned Owned
:please: Please Please
:rockon: Rock On Rock On
:sarcasm: Sarcasm Sarcasm
:spam: Spam Spam
:thanks: Thank You Thank You
:sucks: This Threa Sucks This Threa Sucks
:sucks2: Sucks Sucks
:hijack: Hijack Hijack
:jacked: Thread Jacked Thread Jacked
:wasntme: Wasn't Me Wasn't Me
:welcome: Welcome Welcome
:wrong: Wrong Forum Wrong Forum
:woowoo: Woo Wo0 Woo Wo0
:yes: Yes Master Yes Master
:tool: Tool Tool
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:crickets: Crickets Crickets
:stirspot: Stiring the Pot Stiring the Pot
:popcorn2: Popcorn & Beer Popcorn & Beer
:snow: Snow Snow
:frenzytrophy: Frenzy Trophy Frenzy Trophy
:tumble: Tumbleweed Tumbleweed
:bump: Bump Bump
:potket: Pot Calling the Kettle Black Pot Calling the Kettle Black
:kickrock: Kicks Rock Kicks Rock
:train: Trainwreck Trainwreck
:slap: Slap Slap
:whew: Whew Whew
:cheese: Cheesehead Cheesehead
:birthday: Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
:shizzle: Shizzle Shizzle
:tribe: The Tribe Has Spoken The Tribe Has Spoken
:fishing: Fishing Fishing
:nutkick: Nut Kick Nut Kick
:towel: Steelers Steelers
:stooges: 3 Stooges 3 Stooges
:popcorn: Popcorn Popcorn
:deal: Deal Deal
:insane: Insane Insane
:naughty: Naughty Naughty
:champ: Champ Champ
:notworth: Not Worthy Not Worthy
:bow: bow bow
:thankyou: thankyou thankyou
:clap: clap clap
:wave: Wave Towel Wave Towel
:punk: Punk Punk
:jump: Jump Jump
:respect: Respect Respect
:smokin: smokin smokin
:boobies: Boobies Boobies
:director: Director Director
:laugh: Laugh Laugh
:soap: Soap Box Soap Box
:tipsey: Tipsey Tipsey
:smokndev: Smokin Devil Smokin Devil
:surender: Surrender Surrender
:swing: Swing Swing
:throwpc: Throw PC Throw PC
:angel: Angel Angel
:shades: shadesoff shadesoff
:rant: Rant Rant
:lmao: Rolling on the Floor Laughing My Ass Off Rolling on the Floor Laughing My Ass Off
:typing: Typing Typing
:smooch: Smooch Smooch
:wink: Wink and a Kiss Wink and a Kiss
:taz: Taz Taz
:yikes: Yikes Yikes
:smoke: Have a Smoke Have a Smoke
:whistle: whistle whistle
:cleanup: Cleanup Cleanup
:drink: Icon Drink Icon Drink
:shrug: Shrug Shrug
:thumbsup: thumbsup thumbsup
:cheers: Toast Toast
:sleep: Sleep Sleep
:drink2: drinktogether drinktogether
:link: Link Link
:drink3: drink drink
:newb: Newbie Newbie
:alcohol: Alcoholic Alcoholic
:oldman: Old Man Old Man
:whip: Whip Whip
:party: Party Party
:evilgrin: evilgrin evilgrin
:pope: Pope Pope
:jail: jailbird jailbird
:crying: Crying Crying
:flag: Penalty Flag Penalty Flag
:nono: No No No No
:nonono: No No No No No No
:thumbsdn: thumbsdown thumbsdown
:bitch: bitch bitch
:moon: Moon Moon
:yuk: yuk yuk
:jerkoff: Jerk Off Jerk Off
:puke: Pukeface Pukeface
:shit: shit shit
:toilet2: Toilet Claw Toilet Claw
:argue: Argue Argue
:duel: Duel Duel
:box: box box
:smash: Smash PC Smash PC
:kill: Kill Kill
:bricks: Bricks Bricks
:bang2: Banghead Banghead
:bang: wallbang wallbang
:fuckyou: Fuck You Fuck You
:furious: furious furious
:bow2king: Bow to the King Bow to the King
:thewave: The Wave The Wave
Standard Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:evilking: Evil King Evil King
:toilet: Toilet Toilet
:wheelch: Wheelchair Wheelchair
:bag: bag bag
:grouphug: Group Hug Group Hug
:bart: Bart Bart
:lisa: Lisa Lisa
:homer: Homer Homer
:marge: Marge Marge
:scooby: Scooby Doo Scooby Doo
:sponge: Sponge Bob Sponge Bob
:helmet: football helmet football helmet
:football: Football Player Football Player
:afro: Afro Afro
:pick: Pick Pick
:2cents: 2cents 2cents
:chill: Chill Chill
:armed: armed armed
:fuckoff: Fuck Off Fuck Off
:hang: Hang Hang
:read: Read Read
:retard: Retard Retard
:sick: Sick Sick
:skull: Skull Skull
:yingyang: YingYang YingYang
:wow: wow wow
:paw: Paw Paw
:lion: Lion Lion
:pimp: Pimp Pimp
:king: King King
:devil: Devil Devil
:luv: Luv Luv
:peek: Peek Peek
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:) Smilie Smilie
:mad: Mad Mad
:cool: Cool Cool
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:P Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
#smile2 Embarrassment Embarrassment
#wink Wink Wink
#confused Confused Confused
:( Frown Frown
#mad Mad Mad
#wail wail wail
#shh shh shh
#caution caution caution
#? question question
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:burt: Burt Burt
:cheezy: Cheezy Cheezy
:dodgers: Dodgers Dodgers
:doggler: Doggler Doggler
:swords: Liquid Swords Liquid Swords
:preds: Preds Preds
:rami: Ramirez Ramirez
:sally: Sally Sally
:scorpion: Scorpion Scorpion
:skippy: Skippy Skippy
:subzero: Subzero Subzero
:valencia: Valencia Valencia
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:cdl: CDL CDL
:frenzy: Frenzy Frenzy
:iffl: IFFL IFFL
:nf-ffl: NF-FFL NF-FFL
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
#Redskins Retired - Washington Redskins Retired - Washington Redskins
#WFT Washington Football Team Washington Football Team
#PredsL Parkwood Predators Parkwood Predators
#Burners Burners Burners
#Cards Cards Cards
#Dogs Ramsters Ramsters
#HellMutts Hell Mutts Hell Mutts
#Wolverines Whiskey Wolverines Whiskey Wolverines

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