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Old May 20th, 2018, 10:24 PM   #1
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2018 Frenzy Schedule updated on MFL

As discussed last year in this post for the 2017 schedule, this is the formula I followed for the 2018 season (with 1 correction from a screwup I made last season that is detailed below):

Divisional games follow a 3 year rotational schedule. The last team in the rotation moves to 1 each season with the 1st team sliding to 2nd and 2nd team sliding to 3rd.

The annual rotation should be:
Year 1 - A, B, C
Year 2 - C, A, B
Year 3 - B, C, A
Year 4 - back to A, B, C

Unfortunately, I screwed this up last year and did the order as B, A, C moving B to 1 and not moving C at all, which meant C repeated the 3rd spot in the rotation for back to back seasons.

2016 was A, B, C (Year 1 in the rotation)
2017 was B, A, C I screwed up the formula
2018 will be C, A, B (Year 2 in the rotation) a return to the correct formula for year 2
2019 will be B, C, A (Year 3 in the rotation)
2020 will return to A, B, C

I apologize for this screwup.

Divisional games for the 2018 season will be weeks 1, 2, 3, 5, 12 & 13

Non-divisional opponents will similarly have their schedule shifted back a week, and have their weeks reversed every other season (i.e. for 2017 we played div B 1st in the rotation, then A, whereas 2016 was div A then B, 2018 again flips the divisional weeks).

The non-division rotation is as follows:
Year 1 (2016) D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K
Year 2 (2017) K, J, E, D, G, F, I, H
Year 3 (2018) should be H, I, J, K, D, E, F, G with I, H moving from the back to the front and the others shifting back a week and flipping.
Year 4 (2019) will be G, F, I, H, K, J, E, D
Year 5 (2020) will return to D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K with E, D flipping and moving back to the front

Non-divisional games will be weeks 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12

I know the above is complicated, but it's not too difficult if I correctly follow the formula, and ensures consistency over the years and keeps the impacts of byes completely random for teams as we never know how the NFL will schedule teams off for byes from one season to the next.

Please CHECK YOUR SCHEDULES and let me know if something isn't as above.
4x Frenzy Champs! 2003, 2005, 2013 & 2022* (* co-champs with Roosters)
Cell: 716-481-8823

Last edited by Preds; May 10th, 2019 at 08:28 PM.
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